
The Order endpoints allow your bot to enter, monitor and cancel orders directly.

  1. When entering an order, the bot can optionally provide a unique ID. In addition, once the order is accepted by the platform, a unique ID will be generated by BNF. Both IDs may be used to reference the order.
  2. The system may reject request if price is out of allowed range.
  3. The system checks precision of price and quantity fields to match the underlying exchange rules. When precision is too high, the values are automatically truncated.
  4. Symbol in the order request is the code of the market of the underlying exchange, as returned by the symbols endpoint.

[POST] orders/place


Place an order on the platform.



Name Type Description Mandatory
clientOrderId string Bot creator specified order ID No
symbol string Symbol code as specified in the underlying exchange. E.g. BTCUSDT is BTC/USDT market in Binance. Symbol codes are also returned by the symbols endpoint. Yes
side string Whether the order is a buy or sell order. Possible values: ‘BUY’ or ‘SELL’. Yes
price string Limit price of the order. Yes
quantity string Order starting value specified in absolute quantity of the market asset. Mutually exclusive with ‘quantityPct’. Yes
quantityPct string Order starting quantity, percentage of available funds. This value is mutually exclusive with ‘quantity’. API uses specified percentage of free balance amount to place the order. Yes
timestamp string The timestamp when request was prepared and sent. The timestamp is specified in ISO format and UTC timezone. Server rejects a request if the value is more than 5 seconds old. Yes


Name Type Description Mandatory
clientOrderId string Client order ID specified by the bot creator for this order. Yes
orderId string BNF generated order ID Yes
createdTs string Creation timestamp of the order. Yes

[POST] orders/cancel


Send a command to cancel an order. The caller must specify ether orderId or clientOrderId.
Remark: Order cancellation is an asynchronous process. Depending on order state, it may take some time before cancelled state becomes visible. The system waits for all trades from the underlying exchange before order status is changed to CANCELED. This time is milliseconds under normal circumstances. Also see canceling flag in the order status.



Name Type Description Mandatory
orderId string Optional order Id as generated by system when the order was placed. Either clientOrderId or orderId must be specified. Yes* (or clientOrderId)
clientOrderId string Client order ID specified by the bot creator for this order. Yes* (or orderId)
symbol string Symbol code as specified in underlying exchanged, returned by symbols endpoint. Yes
timestamp string The timestamp when request was prepared and sent. The timestamp is specified in ISO format and UTC timezone. Server rejects a request if the value is more than 5 seconds old. Yes


Name Type Description Mandatory
orderId string Order ID of the canceled order Yes

[GET] orders/status


Get the status of an order. The caller must specify either orderId or clientOrderId.
The order should still be open or canceled/fulfilled but recently. The system can provide order information up to 24 hours after the order was closed. Older orders are not know to the system.



Name Type Description Mandatory
orderId string Optional order Id as generated by system when the order was placed. Either clientOrderId or orderId must be specified. Yes* (or clientOrderId)
clientOrderId string Client order ID specified by the bot creator for this order. Yes* (or orderId)
symbol string Symbol code as specified in underlying exchanged, returned by symbols endpoint. Yes
timestamp string The timestamp when request was prepared and sent. The timestamp is specified in ISO format and UTC timezone. Server rejects a request if the value is more than 5 seconds old. Yes


Name Type Description Mandatory
orderId string Order ID generated by BNF. Yes
clientOrderId string Optional order ID provided by the client when order was placed. Yes
createdTs string Creation timestamp of the order. Yes
side string Whether the order is a buy or sell order. Possible values: ‘BUY’ or ‘SELL’. Yes
status string Order status. Remark: An order can be canceled both by the bot and also by the underlying exchange. The later looks like a spontaneous cancellation from the bot. Possible values: ‘OPEN’, ‘FULFILLED’, or ‘CANCELED’ Yes
canceling boolean Cancel operation has been requested for the order. This property only makes sense for orders with status ‘OPEN’. Yes
price string Limit price of the order. Yes
quantity string Starting quantity of the order. Yes
filled string Order amount that has already been filled. Yes
remaining string Order amount that is still remaining to be filled. Yes
trades DtoTrade Trades of the order. Values provided: ‘dateTime’ when the trade happened, ‘price’ of the trade, ‘quantity’ of the trade, and the ‘totalCost’ of the trade. Yes

[GET] orders/list-open


Request the orders with the ‘OPEN’ status.



Name Type Description Mandatory
timestamp string The timestamp when request was prepared and sent. The timestamp is specified in ISO format and UTC timezone. Server rejects a request if the value is more than 5 seconds old. Yes


Returns an array of orders that have the status ‘OPEN’. Data of each entry in the array is the same as the response of the orders/status endpoint.

Trade Object

Name Type Description Mandatory
dateTime string Moment in time when the trade happened. Yes
price string Order limit price Yes
quantity string Starting quantity of the order Yes
totalCost string Total cost of the trade. Yes

[GET] symbols


Retrieves symbols available for trading.



Name Type Description Mandatory
timestamp string The timestamp when request was prepared and sent. The timestamp is specified in ISO format and UTC timezone. Server rejects a request if the value is more than 5 seconds old. Yes


An array of symbols, for example "BTCUSDT".

[GET] balances


Get detailed information about funds - available for trading, locked, borrowed, etc.



Name Type Description Mandatory
timestamp string The timestamp when request was prepared and sent. The timestamp is specified in ISO format and UTC timezone. Server rejects a request if the value is more than 5 seconds old. Yes


Name Type Description Mandatory
assets array An array of asset balance objects. Yes

Asset Balance Object

Name Type Description Mandatory
asset string The exchange code of the asset, for example: ‘USDT’. Yes
free string The amount of the asset that is free for trading. Yes
locked string The amount of the asset that is locked for trading. Yes
borrowed string The amount of the asset that has been borrowed (for shorting or leveraging purposes). Yes
interest string The amount of interest that has accumulated for a borrowed asset. Yes
netAsset string netAsset = free + locked - borrowed - interest Yes

API errors

​ ​

API error json

    "errorMessage": "error description",
    "errorCode": 42,
    "paramName": "invalid parameter name (optional)",
    "paramValue": "invalid parameter value (optional)"

HTTP response codes

  • 200 - Ok.
  • 403 - Authentication error. Common reason: Request signature is not correct or request timestamp is too old.
  • 4xx - Client side error. Common reason: Parameter validation errors. (See "paramName" and "paramValue" for parameter name/value).
  • 5xx - Server side error.

API error codes

Error code Description
42 - OTHER_ERROR General error. (See "errorMessage" to find out a specific reason.)
101 - NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE Balance is not enough to place an order.
102 - MARKET_IS_INACTIVE Market is currently inactive.
103 - ORDER_CAN_NO_LONGER_BE_CANCELLED Order is not open anymore so it can't be canceled.
104 - ORDER_ALREADY_CANCELLED Rarely seen error when order becomes canceled right before we cancel the order.
105 - ORDER_ALREADY_REJECTED Rarely seen error when order becomes rejected right before we cancel the order.
106 - ORDER_ALREADY_FULFILLED Rarely seen error when order becomes fulfilled right before we cancel the order.
107 - PLACE_ORDER_IS_DISABLED Maintenance: Market doesn't accept orders at the moment.
108 - CANCEL_ORDER_IS_DISABLED Maintenance: Market doesn't allow order to be canceled at the moment.
201 - USER_NOT_FOUND Unknown user.
202 - ASSET_NOT_FOUND Unknown asset.
203 - EXCHANGE_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND Symbol is not available on the exchange.
204 - TICKER_NOT_FOUND Ticker is not available.
205 - ORDER_NOT_FOUND Order referred to in the request is not found.
206 - INVALID_VALUE General validation error. (See "errorMessage" to find out a specific reason.)
207 - VALUE_TOO_LOW Parameter value is below certain threshold.
208 - VALUE_TOO_HIGH Parameter value is above certain threshold.
209 - CANNOT_EXTRACT_PARAM Mandatory parameter is missing. Parameter format is not correct.
210 - ORDER_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_USER Order was placed on behalf of a different user.
214 - CLIENT_ORDER_ID_IN_USE Client order ID is not unique.
215 - ORDER_VALUE_TOO_SMALL Order notional value is less than 0.1 Euro.
216 - EXCHANGE_NOT_FOUND Unknown exchange.
225 - EXCHANGE_ASSET_NOT_FOUND Asset is not available on the exchange.
232 - DECIMAL_PRECISION_TOO_HIGH Decimal parameter precision is too high.
301 - FORBIDDEN Insufficient permissions.